Cascade Bridges

A proposal to improve visitor safety and preserve creeks in Cascade Canyon.


Response to Comments

The MCOSD will present the Cascade Canyon Bridges and Trail Improvement Project IS/MND to its Board of Directors for certification, along with project approval, at their regular meeting on November 28, 2023. Information about the Board of Directors meeting can be accessed through this link. All comments received on the IS/MND and MCOSD's responses will be included in the material provided to the Board of Directors for their consideration.


Comment Period Concluded

The Initial Study/Proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration, prepared to comply with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), was circulated for public review and comment February 16, 2021 through March 19, 2021. Comments were received from 190 individuals. Prior to releasing a formal response to comments document, MCOSD is working to obtain information needed to address the public comments.

MCOSD commissioned a traffic consultant and installed visitor use cameras for a three-week period in August-September 2019 and a six-week period in March and April 2021. The traffic study analysis is currently underway. Data from that study and the visitor use cameras will help inform a response to comments concerning traffic and visitation.

To address comments about habitat restoration, MCOSD has developed a draft habitat restoration plan, which is being finalized.


California Environmental Quality Act

The MCOSD prepared a draft Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND) for the proposed Cascade Canyon Bridges and Trail Improvement Project. The IS/MND provides information regarding the setting of the project area, the project description, analysis of potentially significant environmental impacts that could result from implementation of the proposed project, and mitigation measures to reduce potentially significant environmental impacts to a less than significant level.  The Notice of Intent to Adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration and the draft IS/MND can be accessed using the links provided below.

The public comment period ended on March 19, 2021. The MCOSD will consider comments received during the public comment period prior to finalizing the IS/MND. 

An online public meeting took place on March 4, 2021.  At this meeting, MCOSD staff presented the proposed project and conclusions from the draft IS/MND. Video of this public meeting is available by clicking the link below.