Bolinas Lagoon Restoration

Caring for a Wetland of International Importance

The 2008 Bolinas Lagoon Ecosystem Restoration Project: Recommendations for Restoration and Management (Locally Preferred Plan, LPP), developed through a working group of scientists, local stakeholders, environmental groups, and state and federal agencies, guides a number of the below restoration efforts. Together, MCP and its partners prioritize and implement projects from the Locally Preferred Plan to protect the lagoon’s current resources and strengthen its resilience and adaptability to future changes.

Bolinas Wye Wetlands
This project aims to restore habitat, improve road safety, and support adaptation to sea level rise. Learn more about progress on Bolinas Wye Wetlands.

Invasive Spartina Control
Marin County Open Space District and the Invasive Spartina Project have successfully removed invasive cordgrass from the lagoon.This project continues to engage in detection and eradication of spartina as part of a long-term control project.

Kent Island Restoration
Since 2009, Marin County Open Space District and the Greater Farallones Association, in collaboration with community volunteers, have worked to remove invasive European beachgrass, ice plant, Monterey pine, and Monterey cypress from this tidal island, to restore its hydrological function and enhance resilience to sea level rise. Learn more about the Kent Island Restoration.

Lagoon Bathymetry
Since 1968, Marin County has been conducting bathymetric surveys of Bolinas Lagoon every ten years. As part of a grant for the Kent Island Restoration, the MCOSD received funding for a new bathymetric survey of the lagoon using LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging), Sonar (Sound Navigation and Ranging), and other state-of-the-art techniques to develop an accurate picture of the lagoon. This survey tests the accuracy of the 50-year projection of the lagoon, to better understand sea level rise, and help guide restoration priorities.

Partnership Efforts
Marin County Parks works closely with other land management agencies, such as the Greater Farallones National Marine Sanctuary, National Park Service, Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy, and the Greater Farallones Association (GFA). To learn more about restoration efforts within Bolinas Lagoon led by GFA, such as the South End Project, and invasive Green Crab removal, visit the Greater Farallones Association website.