Evolving Shorelines

Designing for sea level rise resilience at Bothin Marsh

NOVEMBER 3, 2022

Tam Junction Design Concepts Being Developed

As the potential future re-route for the pathway is studied in more detail, One Tam partners – Marin County Parks and Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy – are seeking community feedback on design options for the Tam Junction connection. In addition to other community outreach, project partners will be on the pathway Monday, October 31, Tuesday, November 15, and Wednesday, November 16 from  10 a.m. to 1 p.m.  They will share the latest project materials, including renderings of potential trail connector concepts, and answer your questions. During this time, geotechnical consultants will also be at Bothin to explore subsurface conditions along the pathway and in other areas of the marsh. To date, community feedback indicates:

  • restoration of native plant habitat is a top priority
  • a safer, wider, more accessible, and better-connected pathway is critical
  • any potential trail connections or trailhead should not contribute to traffic congestion
  • a trailhead with restrooms, drinking fountain, and simple features would be a welcome addition

Join the community conversations that are informing Evolving Shorelines marsh and pathway designs. Take a brief online survey.


Conceptual Design Completed

The Bothin Marsh Open Space Preserve faces unprecedented challenges related to flooding and sea level rise over the next century. One Tam partners, Marin County Parks and Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy, in collaboration through the Evolving Shorelines Project have developed adaptation plans for the Preserve to ensure that the rich habitats and public access trails throughout the site are resilient to future sea level rise using nature-based solutions that enhance the ecosystem and benefit the broader community. This report documents the adaptation planning and design process that would serve as the foundation for more detailed design development.

OCTOBER 15, 2020

Adaption Concept Recommendations

Project partners presented three draft concepts, and recommended "Ringing the Marsh" as the favored approach for preserving the marsh and protecting the pathway. Based on community feedback received via emails, virtual events, and an online survey, an overwhelming majority supported the concept Ring the South Marsh. Removing the trail from the marsh and re-aligning it to the perimeter of the Preserve will afford the greatest opportunity for enhancing the tidal marsh, and provides design elements that include physical separation from roads and the trail, maintaining an inviting visual experience of the marsh.View a short video explaining each concept: 


Community Survey Report

In 2021, One Tam received about 850 responses to an online community survey soliciting feedback about conceptual approaches to elevating the Mill Valley-Sausalito Multiuse Pathway and enhancing the resiliency of Bothin Marsh. Results were included in the Adaptation Concepts Report as Appendix 3.  

NOVEMBER 30, 2020

Interactive Story

The One Tam team released an online interactive story experience about Evolving Shorelines. It provides a fast track and engaging way to learn about the history of the marsh, how rising tides are affecting recreation and wildlife habitat, and the community collaboration to find solutions.

JULY 9, 2020

Planning Memo

To celebrate these milestones with the community, the Evolving Shorelines team hosted a Zoom virtual happy hour on Thursday, July 16, at 5:00 p.m. 

NOVEMBER 6, 2019

Board of Supervisors Approves

The County of Marin Board of Supervisors approved moving forward with development of conceptual designs for the Bothin Marsh Sea Level Rise Adaptation Project, based on shared community vision and research to date. The Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy will collaborate with the Marin County Open Space District on developing and completing conceptual designs, as well as continuing community outreach.


Shared Vision Report

This shared vision report for Bothin Marsh reflects community feedback from hundreds of people who turned out to kayak, hike, play, and learn about the impact of climate change and sea level rise on Bothin Marsh. It is the collaborative effort of a broad coalition working to envision the future of the marsh and this section of the Mill Valley/Sausalito Multiuse Pathway.